Nominate A Hero

Image of a child hugging a fire & rescue worker


Heyyooooo! We’re yuuuuge supporters of first responders and the armed forces. Our founder is a firefighter in Nassau County, NY.

Every month we send a BOX OF FREE CAWFEE to a hero nominated by YOU!

Tell us about your hero by filling out the form below and we’ll put them in the hat to receive free coffee from us.


Image of a fire fighter


Fill out the form above to submit a nomination. You can nominate anyone in the US who is a first responder or who is or was in the US armed forces (active military & vets). Tell us about how they've impacted you or inspired you.

Each month we get the boxes of tissues out and read through submissions. We chose one hero to receive a box of coffee from the 4Q! team.

You are welcome to include multiple individuals in the same nomination (for example an entire firehouse), as long as you have one address where the coffee can be sent if selected.

By telling us your story, you give us permission to send coffee to your hero's address and share your story (using first names only) on our Social profiles.

If you're not sure, see below for who is included in "First Responder" and "Armed Forces".



Thank you for taking an interest in our "Nominate a Hero" program. This is a topic close to our hearts. Our founder is a firefighter. As members of the New York City community, we understand all too well the true grit, resilience, camaraderie, and pride that have risen up from the ashes of great tragedy.

Together, let's celebrate individuals who make sacrifices for our communities and nation. Individuals who are often underappreciated and undervalued.

Nominate a hero today and let their story be a beacon of hope and inspiration for us all.

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